Bay Planning

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Hastings District Council aims to make subdivision easier for Cyclone affected residents.

The destruction caused by Cyclone Gabrielle on 14th February 2023 is still widely felt here in Hawke’s Bay. Areas such as Esk Valley, Pakowhai, Waiohiki and Puketapu were the hardest hit, with many residents unable to return home. For those that will retain their rural properties, the prospect of building on them again is both unattainable (due to restrictions in place from the Government and Local Authorities) and unappealing. Many people who were evacuated from these areas suffered trauma and loss.

We are pleased to see this progress from Hastings District Council, the Council is looking at making it easier for those with Category 3 affected properties to subdivide and purchase a lifestyle lot close to home. While there will be many finer details to work through, including as quoted in the below article “It had been considering options that would help affected landowners as quickly as possible, without leaving the door open for unaffected residents to "gain advantage that they would not normally be entitled to" we at Bay Planning are excited to see this step by Hastings District Council. It is an acknowledgement that many affected residents want to stay in Hawke’s Bay and the ability for them to purchase a lifestyle property and rebuild their life should be encouraged and supported as much as possible.

Bay Planning is able to offer advice and assistance for anybody who is interested in subdivision in and around Hastings and the wider Hawkes Bay.

For further reading, visit the RNZ article.